Congratulations to the following users: (More than 500 points and max 1175 points)

Name Score Date
sn0w 1175 01.03.2018
Mini Rick 1175 06.03.2018
gORDon_vdLg 1175 01.04.2018
Lindor 975 22.06.2017
catz <3 975 24.06.2017
ChEeTaH182 975 05.08.2017
blackberry 975 28.08.2017
jule 975 22.09.2017
Barny 975 01.03.2018
muffinx 925 24.10.2017
Easysurfer 875 23.06.2017
Immersion 875 10.08.2018
Hans.W 875 04.10.2019
NoNameMT 775 29.06.2017
Ratchet 775 13.03.2018
Dailox 700 23.06.2017
hack32 700 14.03.2021
lrg0 625 23.06.2017
HawK 625 22.09.2017
<s>cruzz</s> 550 28.06.2017
-1llk1d- 550 04.03.2018
abcd 550 20.05.2018
Green row means the user reached the max score. If new levels are added they have to complete them to regain their status.